Single Use Account (SUA) Credit Card – J.P. Morgan – Preferred

Accounts Payable oversees the Single Use Account (SUA) credit card program that can be issued to vendors for the exact amount of the expenditure. Emory has partnered with J.P. Morgan to offer this electronic payment solution that enables the university to process payments faster and more efficiently.

  • Suppliers who opt to enroll will be paid by a one-time use eCredit card. Each time a payment is disbursed to the supplier, a secure email message will be sent with the eCredit card information. Using this information, the supplier can process the payment transaction using their credit card processor and receive their funds immediately.
  • Upon enrollment, Accounts Payable will convert the supplier's payment method in the vendor database to SUA and pay them immediately upon the receipt of an approved invoice.

Alternative payment delivery available via website or phone

How do you enroll?

Start enjoying quick, seamless electronic payments with SUA today. If you already accept credit card payments, contact your customer directly to start receiving SUA payments immediately. If not, to set up an account, contact your merchant bank or our Supplier Support team at (877) 263-5184 or

SUA Support

JP Morgan’s Supplier Support Team
Alternate Phone:
Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday
8am – 6pm EST

Corporate Credit Card Program Help Desk
Denise Hadley:

Title: AP Manager
Phone: 404-727-0252

How the SUA Program Works

Accounts Payable and JP Morgan, working together, devises the SUA Vendor Enrollment campaign. Emory signs JP Morgan's Supplier Recruitment Authorization Form , which authorizes JP Morgan to act on Emory's half to recruit vendors to join the SUA Program. View the Vendor Enrollment Campaign with JP Morgan steps below:

Step 1: Analyze Suppliers

Conduct a spend analysis/segmentation and identify targeted suppliers.

Step 1 Details

Step 2: Design Recruiting Strategy

Create project team, establish timeline and goals, develop a rollout plan, and update policies.

Step 2 Details

Step 3: Develop Communication Materials

Draft campaign announcements and enrollment messaging.

Step 3 Details

Step 4: Initiate Program

Send internal/supplier communications and launch the campaign.

Step 4 Details

Step 5: Activate Suppliers

Begin outbound calling, onboard suppliers and track enrollment.

Step 5 Details

Step 6: Pay JPMC

JPMC sends Emory an invoice once a month for money that has been retrieved by the vendors.

Step 7: Receive Rebate

JPMC sends Emory a revenue share rebate on a quarterly basis.

After the Vendor Enrollment Campaign - Next Steps

After the campaign has ended, Accounts Payable will continue to expand the SUA Program by self-enrolling the vendors that want to join the program.

Additional enrollment campaigns with JP Morgan will be considered for future SUA expansion.