SUA Questions and Answers

  • To streamline our payment process, we are working with J.P. Morgan to utilize a Single-Use Accounts (SUA) solution.
  • Our Single-Use Accounts (SUA) product is an electronic card payment program that allows our suppliers to automate the disbursement and reconciliation of their receivables.

Accelerated payments can help reduce days sales outstanding (DSO), improving cash flow for the company.

There is no additional cost from J.P. Morgan for SUA payment acceptance. Suppliers' credit card processing fees do apply.

  • When a payment is issued, an email will be sent to the confirmed payment notification email address notifying the supplier that the payment is ready for processing. It will contain the unique account number, expiration date of the SUA account number, and remittance information of the invoices being paid.
  • To process the payment, the supplier enters the full account number and any other required information into their card payment processing system.

  • Yes, a supplier may register for JP Morgan's Voltage Secure Mail and/or SUA Connection, which are free, optional services.

Secure Mail

  • Suppliers can register for Secure Mail after confirming they will accept SUA as a payment method during the recruitment campaign or when they receive their first payment email notification. There is a link at the bottom of each payment notification email.
  • Upon Secure Mail registration, suppliers will receive all subsequent SUA payment notifications with the complete 16-digit account number, card security code (CVV), and expiration date.
  • After they have received confirmation their secure email setup is complete, they may contact you to request any unprocessed payments be resent. The full account details for those payments will then be resent via secure email.

SUA Connection

J.P. Morgan also offers SUA Connection, an online user interface for suppliers. Registration for SUA Connection will let suppliers log in to a user-interface, manage payments, and view detailed remittance information.

SUA Connection - Log In Help (

In the event the payment is declined, please have the supplier check the following scenarios:

  • The card could be declined for any charges under or more than the authorized amount.
  • The 16-digit account number will expire, so the supplier must process the payment before the expiration date.
  • Did they correctly enter the 16-digit account number using the first seven digits of the SUA account number plus the unique nine digits provided in the payment notification?
  • Did they correctly enter the account expiration date? Note the expiration date is different from the end date of the validity period.
  • Did they correctly enter the transaction amount specified in the payment notification email?
  • Did they post the transaction within the appropriate period and before the expiration data and end dates?
  • Please note transactions that are entered and then reversed will count against the number of available authorizations, even if the amounts are equal to zero.
  • In most cases, entering and reversing a transaction will mean no further authorizations remain on a single-use account.

In general, processing an SUA is exactly the same as a card-not-present transaction, and requires no additional configuration or equipment.

Enrolled suppliers will begin receiving SUA payments once an invoice is ready to be paid.

  • There is no technical effort required to enroll a supplier.
  • The solution is entirely independent of the supplier's invoicing and payment systems and does not require any on-site software.