Analyze Suppliers

In analyzing the suppliers, JP Morgan looks at Emory’s suppliers’ annual spend, how they are currently being paid and if the supplier is being paid via SUA with another company.

Review Vendor data and come up with a Target List

The first step of the SUA Vendor enrollment campaign is to analyze Emory's Supplier base for potential SUA candidates. Emory sends JP Morgan a copy of their vendor master file and vendor spend for the past three years.

JP Morgan analyzes the data and sends back a file with their list of potential SUA candidates.

Accounts Payable reviews this list and removes any VIP suppliers or other sensitive suppliers from the list. In these instances, Accounts Payable may elect to contact the supplier directly to pursue the SUA option with the supplier.

Is My Supplier a Good SUA Candidate?

The answer to this question is a resounding "it depends". Every client is different and many factors come into play, including your relationship with your supplier, how much buying power you have and how committed you are to creating payment terms that promote acceptance. While a spend file analysis is the best way to know for sure, the criteria below can help you determine good fit suppliers for SUA.

More Likely

  • Buyer mandates use of SUA
  • Buyer pays net immediate on invoice
  • Buyer accelerates SUA payments and has extended terms for check/ACH
  • Buyer spends >$25,000 with supplier annually
  • Supplier is in SUA network/accepts payments from other clients
  • Supplier accepts virtual card payments
  • Supplier accepts cards for B2B spend

Less Likely

  • Supplier is a government entity, utility or is in insurance, real estate or leasing
  • Supplier's average transaction size >$500,000
  • Supplier is not in our SUA network
  • Supplier will not accept card/virtual card payments

Complete SUA Recruitment Questionnaire

JP Morgan sends Accounts Payable the Commercial Card Single-Use Accounts (SUA): Supplier Recruitment Questionnaire (PDF) to help set parameters for the recruitment strategy. Parameters include:

  • Participation Expectations
  • SUA Payment Terms
  • SUA Payment Options (phone, website, on order, etc.)
  • Third Party Payment Service Collaboration
  • Vendor Setup Data