Design Recruiting Strategy

The next step is to define the Recruiting Strategy. This involves creating the project team, establishing timelines and goals, developing a rollout plan, and updating policies.

Creating the Project Team

The Project Team will be responsible for administering and maintaining the SUA Program. The team consists of Accounts Payable and JP Morgan.

Establishing Timelines and Goals

Most SUA Enrollment campaigns are 12 weeks (about 3 months). However, this can be extended to meet the enrollment goals and objectives if more time is needed. Goals are usually measured in the amount of spend processed through the SUA program. After reviewing the possible SUA vendor candidates and their annual spend, a goal is set in getting a certain percentage of these vendors enrolled with SUA.

Developing a Rollout Plan

The Rollout plan begins with establishing the Campaign kickoff date. Weekly meetings are put on the calendar with the Project team and key stakeholders to review the campaign progress and address any concerns.

Updating Policies

If current policies don’t include the SUA payment option, then revised policies need to be written to include this new option. The SUA option should be included in RFPs, contracts, vendor negotiations, etc.