Sequel is a small, women-owned business
- Accepts personal credit card, Emory corporate card
- Deem mobile app
- Register for Deem
- Deem Login
- For agent assistance booking contact: E: (correct) | P: 800-882-8028
- Tech support: E: | P: 919-821-2146
- Agent Assisted VIP travel services specializing in complex and international travel.
- Check with your department to see if additional authorization is needed to book using Cadence.
- Traveler is responsible for fees associated with booking and changes to travel when using agent-assisted booking.
- Accepts personal credit card, Emory corporate card
- First time user of Cadence? Start here with Cadence
- Accepts Speedtype, personal credit card, and Emory corporate card
- Preferred browsers: Foxfire, Chrome
- For agent assistance* booking contact: E: | P: 877-289-4627
- Tech support: E: | P: 877-208-1396
June 1, 2024, CTM fee increase
Booking fees are applied when using an Emory Travel Partner
Book and Manage Travel
There are many benefits to booking your travel through an Emory travel partner, whether for work or personal. Benefits such as:
- Priority boarding and preferred seating on Delta (PDF)
- Higher discounted rates, and Rapid Rewards(c) on Southwest
- CLEAR preferred annual pricing
- No change fees
- Discounts on lodging, ground transportation* and parking
- Automatic enrollment in Emory's ISOS system, if traveling abroad
* Note that a Car Service should be booked through Emory Express.
Booking fees are applied when using an Emory Travel Partner.
Travelers are responsible for understanding Emory's Travel and Expense Policy (login required) before planning and commencing travel. Exceptions to airfare upgrade policy can be requested [PDF].
Global services are available to support Emory's faculty and staff traveling abroad in support of their research and other global work.