Vendor Selection

The supplier selection process must identify the best, most qualified supplier to meet the needs of the department, while complying with all applicable policies, laws, and regulations. In some cases, suppliers are selected based on screening and negotiations that have already been conducted, resulting in a contracted supplier agreement. Contracted suppliers are those vendors with contracts awarded through competitive bidding processes for the same time period and for the same services or materials being procured. Where such agreements exist, departments must procure goods and services from these contracted suppliers.

As a best business practice, departments are encouraged to seek quote competition for all purchases. A competitive bid is required when the purchase of goods and/or services exceeds the threshold listed in Strategic Procurement Policy 2.121. For low value and low risk purchases, the department should request a quote from a minimum of three suppliers that have the experience and expertise to supply the goods and/or services needed. At a minimum, the quote needs to include the supplier’s name and address, item(s) quotes, quantity quoted, unit cost, extended total, grand total, and quote expiration date.

For higher expenditures and/or higher risk and some purchases paid by federal grant funding, a formal solicitation process is required. In this case, please contact Strategic Sourcing and the assigned Sourcing Manager will work with you. Note: A contract form request within Emory Express will likely be required.

When goods and/or services are proprietary and only available from the manufacturer or a single distributor (supplier) or competition is restricted or limited in accordance with Strategic Procurement Policy 2.121, the department must complete the Single/Sole Source Form (PDF) in its entirety and attach the completed form and all supporting documentation to the applicable system (Compass, Emory Express, P-Card, etc.) Refer to the Single/Sole Source Justification Procurement Guide (PDF) or contact us at