Employee Misuse

Program Administrators are required to report employee misuse within 30 days of card cancellation by:

  • Contacting the Program Coordinator team - or - Emailing Commercial.card.liability.waiver@jpmchase.com
  • After employee termination and card cancellation (within 2 days of termination), the Program Administrator notifies JP Morgan.
  • The Program Administrator notifies the former employee of card closure no later than 30 days after the card has been canceled.
  • The Program Administrator calculates the claim items and submits a claim to JP Morgan within 9- days of the card cancellation date.
  • JP Morgan verifies the eligible charges and begins the 60 days collection efforts.
  • They submit a claim to the Network. The Network reviews the claim and if approved, confirms reimbursement within 180 days after receiving the claim.